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ロゴ Infinity Space 記号アイコン。

Infinity Space

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inity Space is a space exploration adventure where you're given control of an aircraft whose mission is to travel through space in search of other planets. Your spaceship leaves directly from Planet Earth and as you take on new missions, you'll have to travel throughout the entire universe to discover new planets. First you'll come across Venus and Mars, but it won't be long before you have to travel to Jupiter and then Saturn. As you fly through Infinity Space, you have to be very careful as danger lurks all around: from fireballs and meteors to black holes and even the gravitational pull of other planets. The dangers that can put an end to your voyage are innumerable. While on your mission, you can collect diamonds to later use to enhance your aircraft. What's more, you can eventually even buy new spaceships, like the Millennium Falcon or the mythical Freezer Ship. Infinity Space is an original and fun aircraft game that moves away from classic arcade aircraft games to offer a much richer and more entertaining experience.