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ロゴ Police Scanner Radio 記号アイコン。

Police Scanner Radio

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Escute a polícia dos EUA usando seu celular
ice Scanner Radio is a tool that gives you access to radio scanners belonging to the US police, fire department, and public safety units, straight from your mobile phone. When you start the app up you see an extensive list of scanners from different cities and locations within the United States: Chicago, Columbus, Salt Lake City, Westmoreland, and California are just some examples of the areas you have access to. You can tune into radio scanners from police precincts in different US cities any time you want. In addition, you can always see how many people are tuned into each scanner at any time. A particularly appealing feature of Police Scanner Radio is that you have the option of receiving alerts on your mobile phone when the number of listeners on a scanner considerably increases, usually indicating something is happening. Police Scanner Radio is quite an intriguing app that can be extremely engrossing, allowing traditional radio enthusiasts to carry out their hobby from the comfort of their mobile phone. What's more, the audio quality is generally quite reasonable.