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ロゴ Super Adventure Hero 記号アイコン。
ロゴ Super Adventure Hero 記号アイコン。

Super Adventure Hero

6 avaliações
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Classificação Livre
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er Adventure Hero is a terrifically addictive and entertaining game where an original adventure full of bad guys and obstacles awaits you. Download it now and enjoy this spot-on take on classic platformers! Your mission in Super Adventure Hero is very simple: you take an endearing character on an incredibly fun adventure full of countless challenges. Along the way you'll cover hostile terrain full of shaky platforms, crates, and dropoffs into an abyss, plus enemies that can bring your adventure to a screeching halt. Super Adventure Hero is very fun to play, and you'll get the hang of the controls in a snap. There are a total of three buttons, letting you move forward, move backward, and jump. In each level you'll find unique challenges and settings. Plus it's got different worlds to enjoy, so the fun won't stop. Super Adventure Hero is, in short, a highly original take on a classic that never disappoints, delivering hours of fun and entertainment as you survive the various enemies and get around all kinds of obstacles.